Search Results: "nthykier"

5 September 2015

Niels Thykier: I accidentally dak

So, yesterday, I unbroke dak twice even! It is of course slightly less awesome that one of the broken parts was in code written by yours truly. Anyhow: Unbreaking the dak auto-decrufter You may remember the auto-decrufter, which I added to dak. As a safety measure, it bails out when in doubt about which removal breaks what package. Turns out it was often in doubt, because the code had a bug. Of course, nothing that could not be solved with a patch. Thanks to Ansgar for merging this. :) Unbreaking dak generate-releases As a part of migrating apt-file to use APTs new acquire system (from experimental), I learned APT really likes having checksums for everything. Now including checksums for both the compressed file and the uncompressed file. Sadly, dak had optimised out the uncompressed checksums for Contents files, but even after removing that optimisation (and Ganneff unbreaking my dinstall breakage) some Contents files still did not have an checksum for the uncompressed Contents file. After some sophisticated debugging (read: printf-debugging ), I finally discovered the issue and submitted a patch. Thanks to Ansgar and Ganneff for merging (and fixing my dinstall breakage).
Filed under: Debian

20 July 2015

Niels Thykier: Performance tuning of lintian, take 2

The other day, I wrote about our recent performance tuning in lintian. Among other things, we reduced the memory usage by ~33%. The effect was also reproducible on libreoffice (4.2.5-1 plus its 170-ish binaries, arch amd64), which started at ~515 MB and was reduced to ~342 MB. So this is pretty great in its own right But at this point, I have seen what was in Pandora s box . By which, I mean the two magical numbers 1.7kB per file and 2.2kB per directory in the package (add +250-300 bytes per entry in binary packages). This is before even looking at data from file(1), readelf, etc. Just the raw index of the package. Depending on your point of view, 1.7-2.2kB might not sound like a lot. But for the lintian source with ~1 500 directories and ~3 300 non-directories, this sums up to about 6.57MB out of the (then) usage at 12.53MB. With the recent changes, it dropped to about 1.05kB for files and 1.5kB for dirs. But even then, the index is still 4.92MB (out of 8.48MB). This begs the question, what do you get for 1.05kB in perl? The following is a dump of the fields and their size in perl for a given entry:
lintian/vendors/ubuntu/main/data/changes-file/known-dists: 1077.00 B
  _path_info: 24.00 B
  date: 44.00 B
  group: 42.00 B
  name: 123.00 B
  owner: 42.00 B
  parent_dir: 24.00 B
  size: 42.00 B
  time: 42.00 B
  (overhead): 694.00 B
With time, date, owner and group being fixed sized strings (at most 15 characters). The size and _path_info fields being integers, parent_dir a reference (nulled). Finally, the name being a variable length string. Summed the values take less than half of the total object size. The remainder of ~700 bytes is just overhead . Time for another clean up: Which leaves us now with:
lintian/vendors/ubuntu/main/data/changes-file/known-dists: 698.00 B
  _path_info: 24.00 B
  date_time: 56.00 B
  name: 123.00 B
  parent_dir: 24.00 B
  size: 24.00 B
  (overhead): 447.00 B
Still a ~64% overhead, but at least we reduced the total size by 380 bytes (585 bytes for entries in binary packages). With these changes, the memory used for the lintian source index is now down to 3.62MB. This brings the total usage down to 7.01MB, which is a reduction to 56% of the original usage (a.k.a. the-almost-but-not-quite-50%-reduction ). But at least the results also carried over to libreoffice, which is now down to 284.83 MB (55% of original). The chromium-browser (source-only, version 32.0.1700.123-2) is down to 111.22MB from 179.44MB (61% of original, better results expected if processed with binaries). In closing, Lintian 2.5.34 will use slightly less memory than 2.5.33.
Filed under: Debian, Lintian

18 July 2015

Niels Thykier: Performance tuning of lintian

For quite a while, Lintian has been able to create performance logs (--perf-debug --perf-output perf.log) that help diagnose where lintian spends most of its runtime. I decided to make lintian output these logs on to help us spot performance issues, though I have not been very good at analysing them regularly. At the beginning of the month, I finally got around to look a bit into one of them. My findings on IRC triggered Mattia Rizzolo to create this following graph. It shows the accumulated runtime of each check/collection measured in seconds. Find these findings, we set out to solve some of the issues. This lead to the following changes in 2.5.33 (in no particular order): Legend: S: run single threaded (1:1 performance improvement). P: run in parallel. Overall, I doubt the changes will give a revolutionary change in speed, but it should improve the 3rd, 4th and 5th slowest parts in Lintian. Beyond runtime performance, we got a few memory optimisations in the pipeline for Lintian 2.5.34: Combined these 6 commits reduce memory consumption in caches by ~33% compared to 2.5.33, when lintian processes itself. In absolute numbers, we are talking about a drop from 12.53MB to 8.48MB. The mileages can certainly vary depending on the package (mscgen only saw an ~25% improvement). Nevertheless, I was happy to list #715035 as being closed in 2.5.34. :)
Filed under: Debian, Lintian

22 June 2015

Niels Thykier: Introducing dak auto-decruft

Debian now have over 22 000 source packages and 45 500 binary packages. To counter that, the FTP masters and I have created a dak tool to automatically remove packages from unstable! This is also much more efficient than only removing them from testing! :) The primary goal of the auto-decrufter is to remove a regular manual work flow from the FTP masters. Namely, the removal of the common cases of cruft, such as Not Built from Source (NBS) and Newer Version In Unstable (NVIU). With the auto-decrufter in place, such cruft will be automatically removed when there are no reverse dependencies left on any architecture and nothing Build-Depends on it any more. Despite the implication in the opening of this post, this will in fact not substantially reduce the numbers of packages in unstable. :) Nevertheless, it is still very useful for the FTP masters, the release team and packaging Debian contributors. The reason why the release team benefits greatly from this tool, is that almost every transition generates one piece of NBS -cruft. Said piece of cruft currently must be removed from unstable before the transition can progress into its final phase. Until recently that removal has been 100% manual and done by the FTP masters. The restrictions on auto-decrufter means that we will still need manual decrufts. Notably, the release team will often complete transitions even when some reverse dependencies remain on non-release architectures. Nevertheless, it is definitely an improvement. Omelettes and eggs: As an old saying goes You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs . Less so when the only test suite is production. So here are some of the broken eggs caused by implementation of the auto-decrufter: Of the 3, the boolean inversion was no doubt the worst. By the time we had it fixed, at least 50 (unique) binary packages had lost their override . Fortunately, it was possible to locate these issues using a database query and they have now been fixed. Before I write any more non-trivial patches for dak, I will probably invest some time setting up a basic test framework for dak first.
Filed under: Debian, Release-Team

2 May 2015

Niels Thykier: The release of Debian Jessie from an RM s PoV

It was quite an experience to partake in the Jessie release and also a rather long Saturday . This post is mostly a time line of how I spent my release day with doing the actual release. I have glossed over some details the post is long enough without these. :) We started out at 8 (UTC) with a final dinstall run, which took nearly 2 hours. It was going to take longer, but we decided to skip the synchronisation to (the server hosting the DD-accessible mirror of The release itself started with the FTP masters renaming the aliases of Squeeze, Wheezy and Jessie to oldoldstable, oldstable and stable respectively. While they worked, the release team reviewed and double checked their work. After an hour (~11), the FTP masters reported that the stable releases were ready for the final review and the SRMs signed the relevant Release files. Then the FTP masters pushed the stable releases to our CD build server, where Steve McIntyre started building the installation images. While Steve started with the CDs, the FTP masters and the release team continued with creating a suite for Stretch. On the FTP/release side, we finished shortly before 12:30. At this point, our last ETA from Steve suggested that the installation media would take another 11 and a half hours to complete. We could have opened for mirror synchronisation then, but we decided to wait for the installation media. At 12:30, there was a long intermission for the release team in the release process. That was an excellent time to improve some of our tools, but that is for another post. :) We slowly started to resume around 22:20, where we tried to figure out when to open for the mirror synchronisation to time it with the installation media. We agreed to start the mirror sync at 23:00 despite the installation media not being completely done then. They followed half an hour later, when Steve reported that the last CD was complete. At this point, all that was left was to update the website and send out the press announcement. Sadly, we were hit by some (minor) issues then. First, I had underestimated the work involved in updating the website. Secondly, we had no one online at the time to trigger an out of band rebuild of the website. Steve and I spent an hour and a half solving website issues (like arm64 and ppc64el not being listed as a part of the release). Unsurprisingly, I decided to expand our the release checklist to be slightly more verbose on this particular topic. My Saturday had passed its 16th hour, when I thought we had fixed all the website issues (of course, I would be wrong) and we would now just be waiting for the an automatic rebuild. I was tempted to just punt it and go to bed, when Paul Wise rejoined us at about 01:25. He quickly got up to speed and offered to take care of the rest. An offer I thankfully accepted and I checked out 15 minutes later at 01:40 UTC. That more or less covers the Jessie release day from my PoV. After a bit of reflection inside the release team, we have found several points where we can improve the process. This part certainly deserves its own post as well, which will also give us some time to flesh out some of the ideas a bit more. :)
Filed under: Debian, Release-Team

31 March 2015

Niels Thykier: Jessie is coming the 2015-04-25

Indeed, we settled on a release date for Jessie and pretty quick too. I sent out a poll on the 28th of March and yesterday, it was clear that the 25th of April was our release date. :) With that said, we still have some items left that needs to be done.
Filed under: Debian, Release-Team

14 March 2015

Niels Thykier: Imminent steep decline in RC bugs affecting Jessie need more RC bug fixes

Earlier today, I posted a mail to debian-devel about how approximately 25 RC bugs affecting Jessie have been unblocked. As mentioned, I planned to age some of them. The expected result is that about 18 of them will migrate tonight and the remaining 7 of them will migrate tomorrow night. After that, there are no more RC bugs waiting for the RT to unblock them! The only remaining item on the list is cgmanager, for which we are requesting a t-p-u (maintainer already contacted about it). If you want a release sooner, please have a look at the list of remaining RC bugs or/and start testing upgrades. In other news, the glibc regression got fixed. The new version of glibc has already been approved by us. It is now waiting for the debian-installer team to testing it and approve it.
Filed under: Debian, Release-Team

19 February 2015

Niels Thykier: Partial rewrite of lintian s reporting setup

I had the mixed pleasure of doing a partial rewrite of lintian s reporting framework. It started as a problem with generating the graphs, which turned out to be not enough memory . On the plus side, I am actually quite pleased with the end result. I managed to scope-creep myself quite a bit and I ended up getting rid of a lot of old issues. The major changes in summary: There are also some nice minor features : As you can probably tell, I am quite pleased with the end result. The reporting framework lacks behind in development, since it just sits there and takes care of itself . Also with the complete lack of testing, it also suffers from the if it is not broken, then do not fix it paradigm (because we will not notice if we broke until it is too late). Of course, I managed to break the setup a couple of times in the process. However, a bonus feature of the reporting setup is that if you break it, it simply leaves an outdated report on the website. Anyway, enjoy. :)
Filed under: Debian, Lintian

30 December 2014

Niels Thykier: Status on Jessie (December 2014)

Here is a slightly overdue status on Jessie. Stricter freeze policy per January 5th The next timed change of the freeze policy will apply per January 5th. After that date, we will only accept RC bugs fixes. Which means it is final chance for translation updates. More on RC bugs In absolute numbers, the RC bugs have declined quite well. We are below 150 now. We lost quite a bit of traction in December compared to November. However, November was an extremely efficient month. However, we still need the final push here. Debian installer release pending Yesterday, we received a list of packages that needed to be unblocked for d-i with a remark that a release of d-i might follow. Based on what we have unblocked previously, it will likely contain some (improved?) UEFI support. Pending Debian 7.8 release While not directly relevant to Jessie, we also got a pending Wheezy release planned for the 10th of January. The window for getting changes into the 7.8 release closes this weekend. Want to help? Thank you, [RN source]: svn co Git Repo:
Filed under: Debian, Release-Team

Niels Thykier: Status on Jessie (December 2014)

Here is a slightly overdue status on Jessie. Stricter freeze policy per January 5th The next timed change of the freeze policy will apply per January 5th. After that date, we will only accept RC bugs fixes. Which means it is final chance for translation updates. More on RC bugs In absolute numbers, the RC bugs have declined quite well. We are below 150 now. We lost quite a bit of traction in December compared to November. However, November was an extremely efficient month. However, we still need the final push here. Debian installer release pending Yesterday, we received a list of packages that needed to be unblocked for d-i with a remark that a release of d-i might follow. Based on what we have unblocked previously, it will likely contain some (improved?) UEFI support. Pending Debian 7.8 release While not directly relevant to Jessie, we also got a pending Wheezy release planned for the 10th of January. The window for getting changes into the 7.8 release closes this weekend. Want to help? Thank you, [RN source]: svn co Git Repo:
Filed under: Debian, Release-Team

8 December 2014

Niels Thykier: Jessie has half the number of RC bugs compared to Wheezy

In the last 24 hours, the number of RC bugs currently affecting Jessie was reduced to just under half of the same number for Wheezy. There are still a lot of bugs to be fixed, but please keep up the good work. :)

30 November 2014

Thorsten Alteholz: My Debian Activities in November 2014

FTP assistant In contrast to the last month, this month has been rather quiet and I really liked that :-) . The stress has moved to the next team. So all in all I marked 101 packages for accept and had to reject 27 packages. As I mostly reviewed really new packages, I didn t have to file any RC bug this month. Squeeze LTS This was my fifth month that I did some work for the Squeeze LTS initiative, started by Raphael Hertzog at Freexian. This month I got assigned a workload of 14.25h and I spent these hours to upload new versions of: I also uploaded [DLA 85-1] libxml-security-java security update, but as nobody of the LTS sponsors had any interest in this package, I did this in my spare time. A package with security in its name should not be affected by security issues. This month my failure of the month has been the binutils package. Although the security team prepared the way for finding the correct patches for all those CVEs, I somehow managed to not find them. This is embarassing I am also a bit disappointed by current LTS users. All important packages have been made available for testing before uploading them to the archive. Apart from some brave fellow DDs, no other feedback was reported on debian-lts. Complaints arrived only when the packages have been finally uploaded. Do admins have enough time nowadays and don t need to use some kind of testbed? Times are changing Other packages This month I even found some time to sponsor uploads, so please welcome a new version of fastaq in experimental and patiently wait for aegaen and kmc to pass NEW. At this point I also want to mention the Debian Med Advent Calendar, which was announced in this email and already mentioned by Andreas in his latest Debian Med bits. Everybody is invited to take care of as much as possible poor souls. Support If you would like to support my Debian work you could either be part of the Freexian initiative (see above) or consider to send some bitcoins to 1JHnNpbgzxkoNexeXsTUGS6qUp5P88vHej. Contact me at if you prefer another way to donate. Every kind of support is most appreciated.

27 November 2014

Niels Thykier: Volume of debian-release mailing list

Page 1 of 5 To be honest, I do not know how many mails it shows per page (though I assume it is a fixed number). So for comparison, I found the month on debian-devel@l.d.o with the highest volume in the past two years: May 2013 with Page 1 of 4 . I hope you will please forgive us, if we are a bit terse in our replies or slow to reply. We simply got a lot to deal with. :)

21 November 2014

Niels Thykier: Release Team unblock queue flushed

At the start of this week, I wrote that we had 58 open unblock requests open (of which 25 were tagged moreinfo). Thanks to an extra effort from the Release Team, we now down to 25 open unblocks of which 18 are tagged moreinfo. We have now resolved 442 unblock requests (out of a total of 467). The rate has also declined to an average of ~18 new unblock requests a day (over 26 days) and our closing rated increased to ~17. With all of this awesomeness, some of us are now more than ready to have a well-deserved weekend to recharge our batteries. Meanwhile, feel free to keep the RC bug fixes flowing into unstable.

17 November 2014

Niels Thykier: The first 12 days and 408 unblock requests into the Jessie freeze

The release team receives an extreme amount of unblock requests right now. For the past 22 days[1], we have been receiving no less than 408 unblock/ageing requests. That is an average of ~18.5/day. In the same period, the release team have closed 350 unblocks requests, averaging 15.9/day. This number does not account for number of unblocks, we add without a request, when we happen to spot when we look at the list of RC bugs[2]. Nor does it account for unblock requests currently tagged moreinfo , of which there are currently 25. All in all, it has been 3 intensive weeks for the release team. I am truly proud of my fellow team members for keeping up with this for so long! Also a thanks to the non-RT members, who help us by triaging and reviewing the unblock requests! It is much appreciated. :) Random bonus info: [1] We started receiving some in the 10 days before the freeze as people realised that their uploads would need an unblock to make it into Jessie. [2] Related topics: what is adsb? (the answer being: Our top hinter for Wheezy)

7 November 2014

Niels Thykier: Release sprint Preparing for Jessie

The release team are doing a sprint right now up the mini-DebConf in Cambridge, kindly hosted by ARM. We have a fairly large agenda of around 10 items, ranging from simple things like determine the name for the next release to reviewing the list of RC bugs affecting Jessie. Personally, I am very pleased with our progress. We managed to finish 8 of items on the first day. Furthermore, we spent several hours on the RC bug list and keeping up with the unblock requests. There is also live status of the release team, courtesy of Jonathan Wiltshire. Mind you it is manually updated. We will announce the results of our sprint Sunday morning in our Release update talk. The announcement will also be posted to debian-devel-announce like our freeze announcement. Update: fix link to the live status

27 September 2014

Niels Thykier: Lintian Upcoming API making it easier to write correct and safe code

The upcoming version of Lintian will feature a new set of API that attempts to promote safer code. It is hardly a ground-breaking discovery , just a much needed feature. The primary reason for this API is that writing safe and correct code is simply too complicated that people get it wrong (including yours truly on occasion). The second reason is that I feel it is a waste having to repeat myself when reviewing patches for Lintian. Fortunately, the kind of issues this kind of mistake creates are usually minor information leaks, often with no chance of exploiting it remotely without the owner reviewing the output first[0]. Part of the complexity of writing correct code originates from the fact that Lintian must assume Debian packages to be hostile until otherwise proven[1]. Consider a simplified case where we want to read a file (e.g. the copyright file):
package Lintian::cpy_check;
use strict; use warnings; use autodie;
sub run  
  my ($pkg, undef, $info) = @_;
  my $filename = "usr/share/doc/$pkg/copyright";
  # BAD: This is an example of doing it wrong
  open(my $fd, '<', $info->unpacked($filename));
This has two trivial vulnerabilities[2].
  1. Any part of the path (usr,usr/share, ) can be asymlink to somewhere else like /
    1. Problem: Access to potentially any file on the system with the credentials of the user running Lintian. But even then, Lintian generally never write to those files and the user has to (usually manually) disclose the report before any information leak can be completed.
  2. The target path can point to a non-file.
    1. Problem: Minor inconvenience by DoS of Lintian. Examples include a named pipe, where Lintian will get stuck until a signal kills it.

Of course, we can do this right[3]:
package Lintian::cpy_check;
use strict; use warnings; use autodie;
use Lintian::Util qw(is_ancestor_of);
sub run  
  my ($pkg, undef, $info) = @_;
  my $filename = "usr/share/doc/$pkg/copyright";
  my $root = $info->unpacked
  my $path = $info->unpacked($filename);
  if ( -f $path and is_ancestor_of($root, $path))  
    open(my $fd, '<', $path);
Where is_ancestor_of is the only available utility to assist you currently. It hides away some 10-12 lines of code to resolve the two paths and correctly asserting that $path is (an ancestor of) $root. Prior to Lintian 2.5.12, you would have to do that ancestor check by hand in each and every check[4]. In the new version, the correct code would look something like this:
package Lintian::cpy_check;
use strict; use warnings; use autodie;
sub run  
  my ($pkg, undef, $info) = @_;
  my $filename = "usr/share/doc/$pkg/copyright";
  my $path = $info->index_resolved_path($filename);
  if ($path and $path->is_open_ok)  
    my $fd = $path->open;
Now, you may wonder how that promotes safer code. At first glance, the checking code is not a lot simpler than the previous correct example. However, the new code has the advantage of being safer even if you forget the checks. The reasons are:
  1. The return value is entirely based on the file index of the package (think: tar vtf data.tar.gz). At no point does it use the file system to resolve the path. Whether your malicious package trigger an undef warning based on the return value of index_resolved_index leaks nothing about the host machine.
    1. However, it does take safe symlinks into account and resolves them for you. If you ask for foo/bar and foo is a symlink to baz and baz/bar exists in the package, you will get baz/bar . If baz/bar happens to be a symlink, then it is resolved as well.
    2. Bonus: You are much more likely to trigger the undef warning during regular testing, since it also happens if the file is simply missing.
  2. If you attempt to call $path->open without calling $path->is_open_ok first, Lintian can now validate the call for you and stop it on unsafe actions.
It also has the advantage of centralising the code for asserting safe access, so bugs in it only needs to be fixed in one place. Of course, it is still possible to write unsafe code. But at least, the new API is safer by default and (hopefully) more convenient to use. [0] being the primary exception here. [1] This is in contrast to e.g. piuparts, which very much trusts its input packages by handing the package root access (albeit chroot ed, but still). [2] And also a bug. Not all binary packages have a copyright instead some while have a symlink to another package. [3] The code is hand-typed into the blog without prior testing (not even compile testing it). The code may be subject to typos, brown-paper-bag bugs etc. which are all disclaimed (of course). [4] Fun fact, our documented example for doing it correctly prior to implementing is_ancestor_of was in fact not correct. It used the root path in a regex (without quoting the root path) fortunately, it just broke lintian when your TMPDIR / LINTIAN_LAB contained certain regex meta-characters (which is pretty rare).

7 August 2014

Niels Thykier: Recent improvements to Britney2

As mentioned by Rapha l Hertzog, I have been spending some time on improving Britney2. Just the other day I submitted a second branch for review that I expect to merge early next week. I also got another set patches coming up soon. Currently, none of them are really user visible, so unless you are hosting your own version of Britney, these patches are probably not all that interesting to you. The highlights:
  1. Reduce the need for backtracking by finding semantically equivalent packages.
  2. Avoid needing to set up a backtrack point in some cases.
    • This has the side-effect of eliminating some O(e^n) runtime cases.
  3. Optimise installability testing of packages affected by a hinted migration.
    • This has the side-effect of avoiding some O(e^n) runtime cases when the post-hint state does not trigger said behaviour.
    • There is a follow-up patch for this one coming in the third series to fix a possible bug for a corner-case (causing a valid hint to be incorrectly rejected when it removed an uninstallable package).
  4. Reduce the number of affected packages to test when migrating items by using knowledge about semantically equivalent packages.
    • In some cases, Britney can now do free migrations when all binaries being updated replace semantically equivalent packages.
  5. (Merge pending) Avoid many redundant calls to sort_actions() , which exhibits at least O(n^2) runtime in some cases.
    • For the dataset Rapha l submitted, this patch shaves off over 30 minutes runtime. In the particular case, each call to sort_actions takes 3+ minutes and it was called at least 10 times, where it was not needed.
    • That said, sort_actions have a vastly lower runtime in the runs for Debian (and presumably also Ubuntu, since no one complained from their side so far).
The results so far: After the first patch series was merged, the Kali dataset (from Rapha l) could be processed in only ~2 hours. With the second patch series merged, the dataset will drop by another 30-50 minutes (most of which are thanks to the change mentioned in highlight #5). The third patch series currently do not have any mention-worthy performance related changes. It will probably be limited to bug fixes and some refactoring. Reflections: The 3 first highlights only affects the new installability tester meaning that the Britney2 instances at Ubuntu and Tanglu should be mostly unaffected by the O(n^2) runtime. Although those cases will probably just fail with several AIEEE s. :) The 5th highlight should equally interesting to all Britney2 instances though. For me, the most interesting part is that we have never observed the O(n^2) behaviour in a daily sid -> testing run. The dataset from Rapha l was basically a stable -> testing/sid run, which is a case I do not think we have ever done before. Despite our current updates, there is still room for improvements on that particular use case. In particular, I was a bit disheartened at how poorly our auto hinter(s) performed on this dataset. Combined they only assisted with the migration of something like 28 items . For comparison, the main run migrated ~7100 items and 9220 items were unable to migrate. Furthermore, the Original auto hinter spend the better part of 15 minutes computing hints at least it results in 10 items migrating. Links to the patches:

23 March 2014

Niels Thykier: Upcoming changes to Lintian (in 2.5.22)

The next version of Lintian, 2.5.22, is long overdue mostly because 2.5.21 FTBFS in sid. Besides fixing test failures, 2.5.22 also fixes: Besides bug fixes, we also added a couple of new features/nice changes: We just need to do some final tweaks and get the tag descriptions reviewed before we are ready to release the next version.

26 January 2014

Niels Thykier: Release architecture meeting 2014-01-26

Today, we held an one-hour IRC-meeting to debate the status of the current architectures in sid. During that one hour, we brought up all 13 architectures. We made a decision on 9 of the architectures. The remaining 4 will be revisited within 2 months. As for the actual results, we will announce these on debian-devel-announce with our next bits mail. I suspect the announcement to happen within a couple of days. I am quite pleased that we managed to keep the meeting to one hour. Especially considering that it was planned less than a week ago. One of the things, that I believe helped us, was that we had summarised the status for each architecture prior to the meeting. In my view, the summary allowed us to finish at least half of the architectures within their allocated 5 minutes. In fact, we had 20 minutes for the last 2 architectures partly because amd64 + i386 combined took about a minute. A second thing that helped us stay on time was cutting debates short. Obviously, with less than 5 minutes per architecture, there was little time for debate and, I admit, that was by design. This meant that we had to defer 4 decisions for later. We are currently waiting for information, which we hope to have soon. More on that in the announcement later.
I would like to thank the attendees for contributing to a productive and short meeting. It was a pleasure and I hope we can repeat the success next time. :)

